Getting Started

Launch applications
Launching Applications
Move your mouse pointer to the Activities corner at the top left of the screen.
Click the Show Applications icon.
Click the application you want to run, for example, Help.
Alternatively, use the keyboard to open the Activities Overview by pressing the Super key.
Start typing the name of the application you want to launch.
Press Enter to launch the application.
Switch tasks
Switching Tasks
Move your mouse pointer to the Activities corner at the top left of the screen.
Click a window to switch to that task.
To maximize a window along the left side of the screen, grab the window's titlebar and drag it to the left.
When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
To maximize a window along the right side, grab the window's titlebar and drag it to the right.
When half of the screen is highlighted, release the window.
Press Super+ Tab to show the window switcher.
Release Super to select the next highlighted window.
To cycle through the list of open windows, do not release Super but hold it down, and press Tab.
Press the Super key to show the Activities Overview.
Start typing the name of the application you want to switch to.
When the application appears as the first result, press Enter to switch to it.
Respond to messages
Responding to Messages
Move your mouse to the message tray at the bottom of the screen and click the chat message.
Start typing your reply and when finished, press Enter to send the reply.
Close the chat message.
Delayed Response
A chat message in the message tray disappears after a while if you do not move your mouse to the message tray.
To get back to your unanswered message, move your mouse to the message tray.
Click the person who sent you the message.
Start typing your reply and when finished, press Enter .
Close the chat message.
To show the message tray, press Super+M
Use the arrow keys to select the person you want to reply to, and press Enter.
Start typing your reply and when finished, press Enter .
Press Esc to close the chat message.
To dismiss the message tray, press Esc.