Launch applications

Launching Applications
Move your mouse pointer to the Activities corner at the top left of the screen.
Click the Show Applications icon.
Click the application you want to run, for example, Help.
Alternatively, use the keyboard to open the Activities Overview by pressing the Super key.
Start typing the name of the application you want to launch.
Press Enter to launch the application.

Launch applications with the mouse

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the Activities corner at the top left of the screen to show the Activities Overview.

  2. Click the Show Applications icon that is shown at the bottom of the bar on the left-hand side of the screen.

  3. A list of applications is shown. Click the application you want to run, for example, Help.

Launch applications with the keyboard

  1. Open the Activities Overview by pressing the Super key.

  2. Start typing the name of the application you want to launch. Searching for the application begins instantly.

  3. Once the icon of the application is shown and selected, press Enter to launch the application.